Sharpener JOLLY

Professional chain sharpener to grind efficiently all types of chains, easy to use, manual sharpening, exact sharpening for better chain life. Delivered with a grinding wheel for steel chains
230 V / 0,23 kW / 50 Hz / 2800 rpm / 7,5 kg
Automatic sharpener SA6

SA6 automatic chain sharpener sharpens all common scraper, chipper and carbide-tipped chains of pitches from 1/4“ to .404“, as well as 15mm, 19mm and 20mm with link thickness from 1,1mm to 3mm.
Equipped with 230V/50Hz engine, simple and functional.
Fully automated – no surveilance needed; more accurate, even and quick than other chain sharpeners.
Accessories for sharpeners

We recommend high-quality grinding wheels and diamond wheels for carbide-tipped saw chains
- available in various dimensions: outer diameter 100/140/145/150 mm
- inner hole diameter: 12/20/22/25 mm
- matching to all common used sharpeners
- very good grinding results
- long life between dressings
High-quality dressing stones used for cleaning and forming grinding wheels of all types.
Debarker ERG

Debarker ERG – 16 milling discs, working surface: approx. 135mm, thickness of debarking: approx. 5mm each time
Can be mounted on all types of minimum 1,5 kW chainsaws.
In case of order, please provide the type and model of saw, as well as the chain pitch (3/8″ or 0,404″).
It is particularly suited for debarking in plants where it is not possible to install industrial debarkers.
- chain drive and mounting guide bar delivered with the device
- 2 teeth per milling disk with carbide tipped links for increased life span, the milling disks/links can be replaced individually
Repair of saw chain

Simple and very useful devices used for riveting and unriveting during repair of saw chains. Easy and quick way to replace a broken link or shorten a chain.
Grinding of guide bar running surfaces

PRINZ PEG device for grinding the running surfaces of guide bars – to extend the life of your guide bar.
Thanks to the use of the PRINZ PEG device, the life of the guide and the remaining parts of the cutting system are extended. The running surfaces of the guide bar are ground and leveled – burr is removed.
PRINZ chainsaw oil

Chainsaw oil PRINZ 100/150 is used for optimum protection against wear and corrosion for saw chains of all kinds.
Due to its excellent adhesive properties, oil consumption is reduced to a minimum.
PRINZ chainsaw oil guarantees maximum service life for your saw chains, guide bars, sprockets and pulleys.
Why choose PRINZ chainsaws for wood cutting?

Presentation and training
We conduct professional operating training of delivered equipment. We share our knowledge gained over the years, so you can maximize the efectiveness of your work.

Fast execution of order and installation
We do our best to execute all orders and installations professionally and comprehensively, but most of all – fast and efficiently.

We provide warranty and post-warranty service, as well as quick delivery of spare parts from warehouse in Poznan, PL.